Ireland’s Education Minister James Lales on Monday highlighted the growing relations between India and Ireland, especially higher education, technology and trade partnership. Lales is currently leading a high -level delegation in New Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai with the aim of deepening cooperation between the two countries.
Lales told, "This is my first visit to India. This morning, I went to IIT Delhi, where I spent a very good time with the students. India and Ireland have been friends for many centuries. I think this bond will affect the future of both countries."
He said, "Ireland has a rapid growing community of over 9,000 Indian students, and as we continue to strengthen educational relations with India, I am waiting for the journey to meet Indian universities and educational institutions, so that opportunities to expand the paths after the study and promote intensive research cooperation between the two countries can be detected."
Minister said that Ireland in the creation of a strong educational and talent ecosystem "Immense capacity" Recognizes which benefits both countries.
Lales highlighted that innovation, research and development and emerging technologies, especially Medtech, Fintech, AI and Life Sciences are seeing an increase in cooperation with Indian firms in Ireland. They said, "Since global businesses are looking for highly skilled talent and research-operated ecosystem, Ireland will continue to provide state-of-the-art opportunities for expansion and innovation to Indian companies."
Lales visit is an important milestone in Ireland-India relations, which confirms Ireland’s role as a reliable partner for India’s economic, educational, technical ambitions."Text-Align: justify;"> Earlier on Monday, External Affairs Minister (EAM) Jaishankar greeted his Irish counterpart, the government of Ireland and the people on his National Day. "My recent visit gave an opportunity to renew our relationships and strengthen our relationship."