Why collagen important for body: Are wrinkles growing in your skin or feeling joint pain? This may be due to lack of collagen. Collagen is an essential protein of our body, which gives strength and flexibility to the skin, bones and joints. With aging, its quantity starts decreasing, due to which the skin starts loose and weakness in the joints. But it is not a matter of concern! With the right diet and some important measures, you can meet the lack of collagen. Know how to increase collagen, benefits and important tips, which will keep you young and fit for a long time.
What is collagen?
The collagen is made of amino acids, which mainly contains proline, glycine, and hydroxiproine. The body also requires vitamin C, zinc, copper and manganese to make it. If we talk about its work, it helps in making new skin cells. It helps in removing dead skin cells, flexibility, strengthening the skin, strengthening joints and bones, protecting and protecting the internal organs for blood clotting.
Clevelandclinic According to, so far 28 types of collagen have been identified, of which these are the five types. The first type, which contains 90% collagen in the body. It provides structure to skin, bones, tendons and ligaments. The second type is found in elastic cartilage, which keeps the joints strong, the third type is found in the muscles, arteries and organs, while the fourth type is present in the layers of the skin. The fifth type is found in the cornea of ​​the eye, hair, some layers of the skin and the placenta tissue.
Decline in collagen with age,
As age increases, the production of collagen in the body starts decreasing. Collagen production decreases rapidly after menopause in women. After the age of 60, its level decreases significantly.
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Symptoms of collagen deficiency-
– Wrinkles in the skin, looseness and dryness.
– Hollowness around the eyes and face.
– Muscle weakness and pain.
– Pain and stiffness in joints.
– Digestive system problems.
– Blood flow blockage.
Habits that damage collagen,
-The collagen production decreases and the skin starts to look old quickly.
-Most sweet and processed carbs makes collagen weak and brittle.
-The rays of the sun slows the collagen production, which increases wrinkles.
Autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, damage collagen.
How to meet collagen deficiency,
The collagen director is not absorbed, but if the collagen production must be included in the diet, then it can be affected.
Vitamin C: Orange, strawberries, capsicum, broccoli etc.
Powel: Mushrooms, cabbage, peanuts, egg white, meat etc.
Glycine: Red meat, chicken, turkey, peanuts, granola etc.
Copper: Seep, walnuts, green leafy vegetables, dark chocolate etc.
Zinc: Red meats, pulses, nuts, green vegetables, milk products etc.
Are collagen supplements beneficial,
Some studies have found the possibility of improvement in skin moisture and elasticity, joint pain relief from collagen supplements. However, where the body will use it, it cannot be controlled.
Other ways to increase collagen-
-Apply sunscreen every day.
-Avoid eating and eating more sweet.
-Take a solid diet, which contains protein, vitamins and minerals.
-Do yoga and exercise, which increases blood circulation.
In this way, we can say that collagen is very important for healthy skin, bones and joints. To maintain this, the right catering, healthy lifestyle and prevention measures should be adopted from the sun’s rays. Supplements can help some extent, but a balanced diet is the best solution.