Obesity : Obesity has become an epidemic meaning epidemic for the world. This is not our but the World Health Organization (WHO). Obesity is one of the fastest growing diseases in the last few years. This is the reason that this disease has increased the concern of countries around the world including India. Recently, WHO prepared a list of top 10 causes of deaths around the world.
It has heart diseases on the first four numbers. Obesity is the cause of diseases like hypertension and diabetes. Because of this, 28 lakh adults are losing their lives every year. In such a situation, let us know why obesity is climbing people and what is India’s number in this matter…
Obesity in the world
What diseases are threatened by obesity
Type-2 diabetes
Heart related disease
Bone problem
Fertility may be affected
What causes obesity to increase
1. Taking excess calories of body
2. Bad lifestyle
3. Low Physical Activity
4. Junk Food, Ultra Processed Food, Sugar Drinks Consumption
5. Lack of sleep
6. Drinking more alcohol
7. Eating more oily
8. Take too much stress
9. Genetic reasons
10. Hormonal imbalance
India’s number in obesity
According to a study published in ‘The Lancet’, 15.9 crore children and 87.9 crore were obese in 2022. In this study conducted with the help of WHO, more than 1,500 researchers in more than 190 countries analyzed the weight and heights of more than 22 crore people.
According to the study, the rate of obesity in India has increased from 1.2% in 1990 to 9.8% for women in 2022 and 0.5% to 5.4% for men. Here 70% of urban population is overweight. India is at number three after obesity in terms of obesity. The World Obesity Federation has also told that India is the third largest percentage of obese people in the world.
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Check out Below Health Tools-
Calculate your body mass index (BMI)
Calculate the age through age calculator