On one hand, farmers in the district are wandering from door to door for urea fertilizer. One has to stand in line the whole day to get two bags of fertilizer. At the same time, about 31 hundred metric tons of urea fertilizer is lying on the Bundi railway platform for the last three days. Due to dispute regarding rental of trucks
A rake had reached Bundi railway station with urea fertilizer on Thursday, but due to the dispute over the rental of trucks, the fertilizer could not be lifted till Sunday. Due to this, thousands of fertilizer bags worth around Rs 1 crore remained lying in the open on the platform near the railway track. When the truck was not available, the contractor unloaded the fertilizer packets from the goods train, but due to non-availability of truck, the fertilizer is not being lifted.
Rs 32 lakh rent outstanding for 300 trucks Truck Union President Farooq said that urea fertilizer had arrived at the rake point in the first three rakes. It was sent by trucks. About Rs 32 lakh rent is outstanding for three hundred trucks. After getting the goods transported in trucks, the rent payers have been calling the contractor continuously for one and a half months, but despite that the contractor is not paying the rent. The contractor was asked to release the vehicle after depositing half the fare of the truck union, but the contractor is not ready to pay the money. In such a situation, the vehicles were not released by the truck union.
3100 tonnes of urea fertilizer lying at Bundi railway station. 3100 tonnes of urea fertilizer lying at Bundi railway station: Union is not sending trucks due to rent arrears, farmers forced to stand in lines – Bundi News
At the same time, IFFCO Fertilizer Area Manager Brajraj Meena said that due to mutual dispute between the rake point contractor and the truck union, the rakes installed at the station were forced to be evacuated on the platform. After resolving the dispute between both the parties, urea fertilizer will be distributed among the purchasing and selling cooperative societies and village service cooperative societies of the district.
Line for fertilizer in Nainwan Manure is not being lifted on the Bundi platform. At the same time, a crowd of farmers gathered at a shop on Nainwan Bundi Road for a truckload of fertilizer. As soon as the information about the arrival of fertilizer was received, the farmers reached Nainwan to collect the fertilizer. Within a short time a large crowd of farmers gathered.